The Tallow Scoop

What is Bakuchiol + Why It Is A Great Retinol Alternative

What is Bakuchiol + Why It Is A Great Retinol A...

You might know of OWN Skin Co. and you might also know about our amazing skincare formulated for even the most sensitive skin, with our star ingredient, Grass Fed &...

What is Bakuchiol + Why It Is A Great Retinol A...

You might know of OWN Skin Co. and you might also know about our amazing skincare formulated for even the most sensitive skin, with our star ingredient, Grass Fed &...

Less Is More: Why Beef Tallow Will Simplify Your Skincare Routine

Less Is More: Why Beef Tallow Will Simplify You...

If you're anything like us, we're not into the multi-step, multi-product skin care routines that are marketed to us like crazy these days. There are so many products and steps...

Less Is More: Why Beef Tallow Will Simplify You...

If you're anything like us, we're not into the multi-step, multi-product skin care routines that are marketed to us like crazy these days. There are so many products and steps...

What Is Tallow + Why Does Beef Tallow Make Amazing Skincare?

What Is Tallow + Why Does Beef Tallow Make Amaz...

Let's get right to it. Tallow is, in its simplest form, rendered beef fat. What?!? Why are we making amazing products to slather all over your face and body out...

What Is Tallow + Why Does Beef Tallow Make Amaz...

Let's get right to it. Tallow is, in its simplest form, rendered beef fat. What?!? Why are we making amazing products to slather all over your face and body out...

Tallow Skincare for Eczema

Tallow Skincare for Eczema

There's nothing quite like the feeling of having a fresh, precious, new human in your arms. A new little person that has completely stole your heart (and everything else for...

Tallow Skincare for Eczema

There's nothing quite like the feeling of having a fresh, precious, new human in your arms. A new little person that has completely stole your heart (and everything else for...